The White Books

The White Books

By Lisbeth Lysdal, Certified LBL Hypnotherapist, Denmark

Laura is an engineer. She is 42 years old and a mother of two young children. Through the last few years she has been working on getting a new perspective on her life. She has no prior knowledge of the works of Michael Newton but was inspired to explore LBL after a public talk. She has no previous experience with hypnosis except for the past life regression done in preparation for the LBL session described in this article.

Her wish for the session was to enable her to be present and aware in everyday situations with her children as she often found herself lost in thought with a feeling of wanting to escape from her life.

In her youth, she dreamt of becoming an author. She had fantasies about all the classes she would take, all the books she would read and all she wanted to experience. She wanted to combine all this knowledge and write books that would benefit humanity. Her father told her that being an author does not make a living. She abandoned her dream and chose engineering as she loved mathematics, chemistry and biology.

Even if Laura’s previous experience with trance was limited she went to a very deep state and this was maintained through the session.

The session started with a few visits to happy childhood memories, moments of deep contemplation and a feeling of fulfilment. In the womb, the body seems to be a good fit. She notices that the brain seems small and notes that this will change as she grows up.  

We went on to Laura’s most recent past life in a world of clear soft flowing water, a soft flowing world of harmony and understanding, a world that gives the feeling of hope. In this world her name is Jakara. She lives peacefully until the day her husband passes away. Because this world is happy and peaceful without physical pain, the feeling of loss and the sorrow from his passing is even deeper than it is in human form. This is not supposed to happen. Jakara lives on and watches her children grow. At the end she decides to let go and leaves her body.

She feels connected to a source of energy and moves on to describe a structure of energy that connects everything. She has heard about those connections in the life as Jakara and is fascinated to see them and examine them. Travelling along those connections she describes the space around her as free and unlimited.

While she is moving, she tells me her spiritual name is Jamara. She is met by her guide, Lamila. Lamila takes her to a pool of happiness and laughter and lets her swim in this place of healing until she is ready to continue.

Lamila asks her if she wants to see the Library. He tells her: “There is a reason you are fond of libraries in the incarnation as Laura.”

Client (C): It feels like a gigantic, magnificent place. Every soul has its own book. I do not have the need to look in the books of other souls. It is peaceful, like an old library. There is a tall cube and a lot of light and shelves. Even if I do not want to look at single books I am curious as to how others live their lives, how their journey is progressing and what else is possible. I look forward to meeting souls that will share their journey and exchange stories.

Therapist (T): Do you receive any guidance here?

C: I talk to Lamila, tell him I want to see something new, something others have not seen. He says, all is known. We do not discover here, we get what we already know.

Jamara continues to discuss the workings of the library with her guide, Lamila. She continues to describe the library.

C: Something is changing. On the right side there is a curtain or a white veil. I pull it aside and there is a little theatre behind it. It is a game of pretending. I can look at the way we live our lives. This is my special interest.

T: Do you have a special connection to this place?

C: I want to be a librarian. I feel at home with the books. I help the visiting souls to find the right entries and access the relevant knowledge.

T: Do you share this interest with other souls or do you have a special guide here?

(Based on the previous statement and her guide’s reference to her fascination with libraries in her incarnation as Laura, I want to explore the possibility that Jamara is training to become a librarian. I also hope to get more information on the white books)

C: I help the souls coming to get information. But any soul can read those special books. Those books are shiny white and thin. They do not contain the full story of their lives. The books contain general teachings, messages and the knowledge the souls need now in their present incarnation. There is half a shelf of these white books. These books are different from the books of the individual souls, but I (Jamara) think they are interesting. They are special books not personal books; the same message is meant for more than one. The information is still deeply personal as the book changes to suit the reader. Those who have access can choose a theme and get the wisdom that applies to them.

T: Do you have a special relation to these books?

C: Yes, I am a caretaker for these books. They need loving attention. Taking care of them is being around them, paying attention and being present. When someone comes to get knowledge, I choose the book most suitable for their purpose. This is the interesting part. Choosing the book and presenting the book to them. It feels good. I help people move on, and I understand their curiosity.

T: Is there a connection between these books and the books for an individual soul?

C: The white books are lighter and have a fine and simple energy. The books for each soul are old and voluminous like encyclopaedias. The white books are as if they are made of light. They do not hold experience, but wisdom. They are books of light.

With the guidance of Lamila she realizes that she prefers the white books, and that she is not interested in her own book. Lamila insists and they enter the main library to look at Jamara’s book. It is old, large and dusty. She fears the book and Lamila instructs her to make the missing entries. She has been carrying a lot of fear because she neglected to look at her own book and her souls’ story. She has not gained knowledge and wisdom from experiences in her lifetimes.

The session goes on and Laura realizes that the knowledge and wisdom she wanted to use as an author in her youth is connected to her speciality on the soul level. She sincerely wants humanity to receive the original wisdom of light that these books hold. She becomes aware that she has used her attention and presence to gain knowledge and wisdom and neglected being present and aware in her present life as Laura and both she and her relations are suffering from this. Jamara receives instructions for Laura – from Lamila and the Council – detailing how to use her knowledge and wisdom to be present instead of losing herself in all the information accessible to her.

The existence of the white books described by Laura adds a dimension to the library that I hope will be interesting to all. The white books contain generic information applicable to all souls. These books differ from the books for the individual souls, as they are accessible for all souls presently incarnated, and access is not restricted to an individual soul or souls working the archives. ♥

Lisbeth Lysdal is a Certified LBL Hypnotherapist practicing in Roskilde, Denmark

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